Length, Nano- and Microtechnology


Correct measurement of length, shape, angles and surface texture is vital for reliable and efficient manufacture of goods. This applies for the smallest dimensions, such as nano-structured surfaces, through micro-components for medical and communications technology up to large parts for the engineering industry.

With our high-precision measuring instruments and procedures in the laboratory for Length, Nano- and Microtechnology, we ensure the traceability of all dimensional measurements to the metre unit. With our calibration and measurement services we help industry and research in their quest for reliable and accurate measurement.

In order to keep up with the pace of development, we are constantly refining our measurement facilities. With this aim in mind, we conduct various research and development projects. Our specialist field is micrometrology, reflecting one of the key Swiss business areas.


Our measurement services encompass virtually all dimensions and measuring instruments for dimensional metrology for the determination of length, shape, angles and surface properties.


With our calibration services, we ensure that your measuring instruments for dimensional measurements are traceable to the national measurement standards. Our calibration certificates are recognised internationally. For this purpose, we operate a quality assurance system in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025.

Approvals and conformity assessments

We conduct national approvals in accordance with the Dimensional measurement instrument ordinance. Please contact METAS Cert for conformity assessments of measuring instruments in accordance with the New and Global Approach.


If you have any questions concerning our services or need advice, we will be pleased to help. Contact us without obligation.


Research and development

With the aid of research and development projects, we keep our measurement facilities and expertise at the forefront of technology. We thus ensure our ability to offer the required services and promote innovation in the years to come. In the course of this we work with other metrology institutes, universities and industry. We are involved in a number of European projects as part of the EMPIR research program.

As a research partner of Innosuisse (Swiss Innovation Agency) we cooperate in Innosuisse projects. We are interested in a collaboration with industry. Our strengths lie in surface, nano- and microtechnology.

Further information


Last modification 11.06.2024

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Federal Institute of Metrology
Laboratory Length, Nano- and Micro-Technology
Lindenweg 50
CH-3003 Bern-Wabern
T +41 58 387 01 11

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