
Switzerland has been working with Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, since 2011. The Swiss contact point for Frontex is the Federal Department of Finance FDF. However, Frontex is also active in areas that are the responsibility of the State Secretariat for Migration SEM, in particular with regard to the repatriation of third-country citizens who have no right of residence in Switzerland. Switzerland regularly organises joint EU return flights with financial support from Frontex and is involved in flights that are arranged by other Schengen States. In addition, SEM regularly participates in the planning of joint return operations at European level and in discussions on the strategic orientation and evaluation of such operations. Frontex also arranges for personnel from Schengen States to go to other Schengen States to assist in return operations. Switzerland is also involved in these operations, with SEM providing specialists in return operations and cantonal police forces providing officers to assist in escort duties.

In the past few years, Frontex’s competencies in operations have been expanded. As a result, Frontex can now support the Schengen States on all aspects of returns, including voluntary returns.



Last modification 26.04.2021

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