Banned weapons, ammunition and weapon components

Automatic firearms

Automatic firearms

Automatic firearms modified to semi-automatic firearms (but not Swiss army automatic firearms modified to semi-automatic firearms)

Automatic firearms modified to semi-automatic firearms

Light machine guns

Light machine guns

Laser devices, night-vision devices, silencers and grenade launchers as an addition to a firearm

Laser devices, night-vision devices, silencers and grenade launchers as an addition to a firearm

Electrical shock equipment

Electrical shock equipment that impairs a person’s power of resistance or permanently damages a person’s health

Butterfly knives

Butterfly knives


Knives whose blade can be opened automatically using one hand (switchblade or flick knife)

Daggers with a symmetrical blade

Daggers with a symmetrical blade

Semi-automatic guns

Semi-automatic guns such as the PE 90 or PE 57 assault rifle, with enhanced magazine

Banned weapons, ammunition and weapon components

Banned weapons, essential and specially constructed components, as well as weapon accessories require a special cantonal permit. Applications for an exemption permit must be submitted to the cantonal firearms office in writing and must contain the reasons why you require the weapon. Permits may be issued for the following weapons in particular:
  • Sports (combat) weapons used in sports clubs
  • Banned knives used by disabled persons or by certain occupational groups
Ausnahmebewilligung für das sportliche Schiesswesen (PDF, 194 kB, 20.01.2023)
Schiessnachweis (PDF, 180 kB, 22.06.2020)
Ausnahmebewilligung zur Sammlertätigkeit (PDF, 155 kB, 20.01.2023)
Meldung des rechtmässigen Besitzes (PDF, 159 kB, 22.06.2020)
(These documents are not available in English)

Cantonal firearms offices (PDF, 336 kB, 18.06.2024)
(This document is not available in English)

You can find detailed information on banned weapons and weapon accessories in the following leaflets:

Last modification 24.01.2022

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