Already in 1999, in its Dispatch on Switzerland’s Ratification of the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, the Federal Council referred to the abuses that had been reported for many years and in many parts of the world. The children adopted between the 1980s and the 1990s from abroad are now adults. Some have gone in search of their origins, uncovering illicit practices that affected their adoption. All countries receiving adopted children are now confronted with these issues.
Botschaft betreffend das Haager Übereinkommen vom 29. Mai 1993 über den Schutz von Kindern und die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der internationalen Adoption sowie das Bundesgesetz zum Haager Adoptionsübereinkommen und über Massnahmen zum Schutz des Kindes bei internationalen Adoptionen
(BBl 1999 5795)
Message concernant la Convention de La Haye du 29 mai 1993 sur la protection des enfants et la coopération en matière d’adoption internationale ainsi que la loi fédérale relative à la Convention de La Haye sur l’adoption et aux mesures de protection de l’enfant en cas d’adoption internationale
(FF 1999 5129)
Messaggio concernente la Convenzione dell’Aia del 29 maggio 1993 sulla protezione dei minori e sulla cooperazione in materia di adozione internazionale, nonché la legge federale relativa a tale Convenzione e a provvedimenti per la protezione del minore nelle adozioni internazionali
(FF 1999 4799)
(This document is not available in English)
Report on illegal adoptions from Sri Lanka
The Federal Council adopted its report in response to the Postulate 17.4181 on 11 December 2020. The report is based on a commissioned study by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) that was published on 27 February 2020. The study exposes serious irregularities in some cases in child adoptions from Sri Lanka between 1973 and 1997. The Federal Council has acknowledged the misconduct of the federal and cantonal authorities in this regard and expressed its regret to the adoptees and their families.
- Press release of 14 December 2020
- Bericht des Bundesrates (PDF, 1 MB, 11.12.2020)
- Rapport du Conseil fédéral (PDF, 1 MB, 11.12.2020)
- Rapporto del Consiglio federale (PDF, 1 MB, 11.12.2020)
Federal Council Report (PDF, 409 kB, 21.07.2022)
(Partial English translation)
Adoptionen von Kindern aus Sri Lanka in der Schweiz 1973–1997 (PDF, 3 MB, 14.12.2020)
Bericht der Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Januar 2020
(This document is not available in English) -
Adoptions of Children from Sri Lanka in Switzerland, 1973-1997 (PDF, 91 kB, 14.12.2020)
Summary of the report, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, January 2020
- Ruiz Postulate 17.4181
On Switzerland’s initiative a group of European states and Sri Lanka have agreed on a cooperation protocol for the processing of adoptee requests to search for their origins in Sri Lanka. Adoptees wishing to send an application to Sri Lanka should contact the Information Service in their canton of residence.
As part of a 3-year pilot project, the Confederation and the cantons are providing financial support to adoptees from Sri Lanka in their search for their origins. To this end, an agreement was signed in Bern on 16 May 2022.
- Press release of 16 May 2022
Association Back to the Roots
(This document is not available in English)
Report concerning ten other countries of origin
Following the report on Sri Lanka, the Federal Council has commissioned additional research into the following ten countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, India, Colombia, South Korea, Lebanon, Peru and Romania: Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, India, Colombia, South Korea, Lebanon, Peru and Romania. The research mandate was limited to an analysis of files held in the Federal Archives with the aim of facilitating subsequent research by the scientific community.
On 8 December 2023, the Federal Council took note of the ZHAW report entitled "Hinweise auf illegale Adoptionen von Kindern aus zehn Herkunftsländern in der Schweiz, 1970er bis 1990er-Jahre; Bestandesaufnahme zu Unterlagen im Schweizerischen Bundesarchiv" of November 2023. The report shows that irregular or even illegal practices were not limited to Sri Lanka, but that all the countries analysed were affected to varying degrees, and that the Swiss authorities were aware of this. The Federal Council expressed its regret to the adoptees and their families concerning the shortcomings of the Swiss authorities in the context of international adoption procedures.
Hinweise auf illegale Adoptionen von Kindern aus zehn Herkunftsländern in der Schweiz, 1970er bis 1990er-Jahre (PDF, 2 MB, 05.12.2023)
Bericht der Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), November 2023
Eléments indicatifs d’adoptions illégales d’enfants de 10 pays d’origine en Suisse, des années 1970 aux années 1990 (PDF, 306 kB, 05.12.2023)
Rapport de la Zürcher Fachhochschule (ZHAW), novembre 2023 (traduction des chapitres 1.1, 1.2, 15, 15.1 et 15.2)
(This document is not available in English) - Press release of 8 Dicember 2023
Reform of the international adoption system
In its report of 11 December 2020, the Federal Council also noted certain weaknesses in the current legislation and practice in the area of international adoptions. An Experts’ Group was charged with analysing the concrete need for action and will propose the necessary changes to legislation and practice.
On 8 December 2023, the Federal Council took note of the expert group's intermediary report and instructed the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) to submit the expert group's final report and a proposal for further work by the end of 2024.
Search of origins
Pursuant to art. 268d of the Swiss Civil Code, responsibility for supporting adoptees in the search for their origins rests with the cantons. Contact details for cantonal information and counselling services and for private organizations offering support and assistance in the search for origins can be found under "Information about biological parents, their direct descendants and adopted children".
- Auskunft über die leiblichen Eltern, über deren direkte Nachkommen sowie über das adoptierte Kind
- Informations sur les parents biologiques, sur leurs descendants directs ainsi que sur l’enfant adopté
Informazioni circa i genitori biologici e i loro discendenti diretti o la persona adottata
(This document is not available in English)
On behalf of the committee of the Conference of Cantonal Justice and Police Directors (CCJPD), an interdisciplinary working group has formulated recommendations in a report on how those affected can be better supported in the search for their origins. These recommendations are not limited to adoptions from Sri Lanka.
- Empfehlungen der Arbeitsgruppe Herkunftssuche
Recommandations du Groupe de travail Recherche d’origine
(This document is not available in English)
- Medienmitteilung vom 16. Februar 2024
- Communiqué aux médias du 16 mai 2022
Comunicato per i media del 16 febbraio 2024
(This document is not available in English)
Commitment to combat illegal adoptions
Switzerland is an active member of the Hague Conference's Working Group on preventing and addressing illicit practices in intercountry adoption as well as the Working Group on the Financial Aspects of Intercountry Adoption.
For the complete documentation see the pages in German, French or Italian.
(These documents are not available in English)
Illegale Adoptionen von Kindern aus Sri Lanka: Veröffentlichung der historischen Analyse der ZHAW
Inputreferat von Joëlle Schickel anlässlich des Mediengesprächs vom 27. Februar 2020
Kinderhandel aus Sri Lanka: Betroffene fordern sofortige Unterstützung bei der Herkunftssuche (PDF, 719 kB, 05.06.2020)
Medienmitteilung des Vereins Back to the Roots vom 27. Februar 2020
Trafic d’enfants au Sri Lanka : les victimes demandent une aide immédiate pour trouver leur origine (PDF, 791 kB, 05.06.2020)
Communiqué aux médias de l'association Back to the Roots du 27 février 2020
- Stellungnahme der KKJPD zur Veröffentlichung der historischen Analyse der Zürcher Fachhochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften betreffend das Postulat Ruiz 17.4181 (PDF, 51 kB, 05.06.2020)
Akten zu Sri-Lanka-Adoptionen besser verfügbar (PDF, 124 kB, 05.06.2020)
Medienmitteilung des Departements des Innern Kanton St. Gallen vom 27. Februar 2020
Adoptions d'enfants en provenance du Sri Lanka dans les années 80
Communiqué aux médias du canton de Genève du 27 février 2020
Information bezüglich der Adoptionen von Kindern aus Sri Lanka in den Achtzigerjahren
Information der Direktion für Inneres und Justiz Kanton Bern vom 27. Februar 2020
Information concernant les adoptions d'enfants originaires du Sri Lanka dans les années 1980
Information de la direction de l’intérieur et de la justice du canton de Berne du 27 février 2020
Unregelmässigkeiten bei Adoptionen von Kindern aus Sri Lanka
Medienmitteilung des Kantons Solothurn vom 27. Februar 2020
Last modification 25.03.2024