Execution of Sentences and Measures Unit

The Execution of Sentences and Measures Unit is responsible for implementing the Federal Act on Federal Subsidies for the Execution of Sentences and Measures. It provides grants and subsidies for the construction, renovation and expansion of institutions in which adults can serve their sentences, and of educative institutions for children and young adults. It also contributes to the operating costs of educative institutions for children and young adults on the basis of certain criteria. Furthermore, the Unit funds pilot projects for developing and testing new methods and concepts relating to the enforcement of sentences and measures and to juvenile support, and co-finances the Swiss Competence Centre for the Execution of Criminal Penalties. It is also involved within various bodies in co-ordinating the enforcement of sentences and measures. 


For the complete documentation see the pages in German, French or Italian.


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Last modification 07.08.2024

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Federal Office of Justice
Execution of Sentences and Measures Unit
Bundesrain 20
CH-3003 Bern
T +41 58 462 41 28
F +41 58 462 78 79

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